The Epiphany of SS week 23

Myra Haubrich
2 min readJun 8, 2021


There are some people I don’t have the will or desire to even think about forgiving them. But it is the energy behind that grip — not letting go, that makes my heart constricted. Letting this thorn stuck in my heart limits my freedom to fully experience peace and joy. Unforgiveness and resentment held in my heart are like cancer, manifest in physical and spiritual illness, more reasons to let go.

If I don’t have the desire and will to forgive, I surrender and turn to God to ask for help. I can’t save myself and only he can save me.


I trust Jesus has a strategy in my prayer life, I thank him for whatever is happening to me at this moment. Let him horns me for his service, form a strategic prayer discipline to prepare my heart, to be a joyful person and witness of his good news, make me available to serve in his kingdom, and spread the good news of Christ in our families, parish, and the world. Seek first my own salvation, then I can attend to others. If I am out of shape spiritually, I can’t help others.

Everything in this life on earth is temporary, learning to roll with the punches and enjoy the constant support of God will bring us a great deal of peace and true lasting joy. Our true lasting joy flows from the communion with Christ, even in adversity. It all goes back to this in week 16: The pathway to God’s peace and healing runs through my heart’s brokenness, sin, fear, anger, and grief.

